Chapter 3

Locked with You
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“Why of all universities, you have to study to where I am studying…”He glared at her who’s sitting beside him… 

They’re inside his family car heading to their campus… she remained quiet while looking outside the window trying to distract herself by looking at the blue sky…. It’s so beautiful… she feels so peaceful just by looking at it… the weather outside is nice… such a waste if she’ll bother herself listening to his hurtful words.

“And first of all… why do you still need to study…? You’re just nothing now… Just a plain, stupid b!tch who’s just suppose to stay at home and feed my needs…” He continued… 

She sighed as she shifted her gaze away from the window… she caught the eyes of their driver who’s watching them through the rear-view mirror.

Everyone at the mansion except for his parents knows how their young master treats her… they are all worried about her… and wondering why can’t their young master treat Dara nicely even is she’s a very kind lady.

They also know about his lover for he always brings her to the mansion back then… they know how he sacrificed marrying someone else just to protect his lover… but it’s not enough reason for him to abuse his wife.


Dara smiled to the old man driving, assuring him that she’s fine… one month of being with him is enough to make her feel numb by his cruel words. 

“What are you smiling about…? Do you find everything that I said funny…? Huh…?” He asked her as he pulled her arm and gripped on it tightly which caused her to wince in pain. 

“No… ah… Jiyong it hurts… I’m sorry…” she answered as she tried to pull his hand off of her… he squeezed it one last time before letting her arm go roughly… she held her arm and caressed it as she saw it slowly starting to bruise.

“B!tch…” she heard him muttered as he glanced outside the window.

She must not cry… not this early morning… not on this fine day… she only needs to bear it for more minutes until they arrive at their campus… for there will be her temporary freedom… she had thought about it… going to school wouldn’t be as bad as she first thought it would be… after all they have the different courses…. She’s in arts while he’s in business… totally away from each other.

All she has to do now is to make some new friends… since all of her friends are in abroad, she doesn’t know anyone aside from Jiyong.

After a while they finally arrived… she sighed once again…now in relief… at last some freedom… at last she’ll got to do what she wants for the meantime…

As soon as the car stopped, he immediately got off without even bidding goodbye to her… the driver opened the door for her and supported her from going out.

“Thank you Mr. Lee…” she said to the old man… she heard him sighed as he reached for her almost bruised arm.

“The young master is really going too far…” he said… she just smiled as she tapped his shoulder.

“I’m fine Mr. Lee… this is nothing… maybe he’s just in a bad mood today…” she said… he released her arm and forced back a smile to her.

“You’re still covering up for him…I wish he could see that he’s missing someone like you in his life… I feel sorry that you got to marry someone like him…”

It always warms her heart whenever she hears but it also falls her into thinking that she stole his opportunity for him to be with his love and it makes her feel that she deserves everything that he’s been doing to her… and... maybe her life is planned to be that way.

She doesn’t know about falling in love… she knows he’s in pain and those rough attitude he’s showing towards her is an evidence of it and by seeing him like that makes her want not to fall in love with someone… she doesn’t want to feel the same pain he’s feeling… it’s enough for her the sufferings he’s giving her… 

She also had realized that fallin

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LOCKED WITH YOU: Prepare your GUNS, BOMBS and MISSILES. Tomorrow is an UPDATE.


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Unixai21 #2
Chapter 47: Youngbae's confession is like what really happen to them real life..
Maria0801 #3
Chapter 66: Reading again.... One of the best I have read here. Thanks
Chapter 66: Amazing story no doubt about that and I never tired reading this great story and one of the best daragon fanfic and thanks authornim for sharing this amazing story ♥️
Chapter 58: D mattapos ang problema ng dalawa heto nman yon kontrabida and I wish all the problems they encounter ended as well as happiness together for ever ♥️
Chapter 44: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/6888/44'>Chapter 43</a></span>
I imagine my Otp in this chapter how Jiyong care about Dara in any aspect and I hope my imagination become real with this couple♥️
Chapter 35: Sinira ang araw ng dalawa biglang enter ng kontrabida hwag magalit sa akin naddala ako sa story ♥️♥️♥️ bukas uli
Chapter 34: Nice move Jiyong I ♥️ it
Chapter 29: Konti sacrifice pa Dara at may makkita ka pagbbago sa minahal mong asawa,why I ♥️this story bec I feel every chapter up to present chapter tumataus sa puso yon nagyyari and I admire you authornim your idea what concept of the story and how to tackle it
Chapter 26: Re reading this amazing story my feeling right now is full of emotion crying and mercy to Dara full of sacrifice in term of married to Jiyong ♥️